Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hiti of patan.

Patan is famous for Dhunga dhara (hiti). Where dhunga means stone and dhara means tap hence, Dhunga dhara implies for tap made of stone which are the resources of running water for drinking purpose. Here in patan we have lots of such Dhunga dhara among them Sundhara is one of the famous because it lies centrally inside patan. Sun means gold and dhara is tap, where in early centuries it was bind with gold plates. Towards its West is Patan Darbar Square and East is Imadol, Towards North is one of the old civilization Chyashyal, and towards South there is Ukkhubahaal and Nahahiti, Nahahiti itself is named by dhunga dhara named Nahahiti which is purely named in Newari language, one of our countries sub-culture language.

Naha means metal and hiti means dhara or tap. On those days of old history this place was used as a holy place, In the sense local here use this hiti for cleansing themselves after their death of dear and near ones which was for their salvation. It has a saying that ritual done here may lead the path of freedom to those spirit after their death who are stuck in between life n death because of their incomplete task during alive. We have a very old temple build in long back centuries, temple of lord shiva in the name of Lagnashowr mahadev a very sacred place to hindu devotees.
Time went by, people changed but those of historic monuments still lies carelessly. Some people even don't know its name today neither our government has applied any effort to resolve the problem as the modern era bounds leaving old sacred places on their untold mysteries  and so has become lost the fact that patan 2013 is today.

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